Thursday, January 26, 2012

Project 4: Diptychs and Triptychs

I really like this diptych that I created using the help of Photoshop and Lightroom. These pictures were the same swing set, taken up in Washington Park on a field trip. I think it's very unique because the diptych casts the differences between perspectives and how different things can look from a different angle. The only editing I did was convert the pictures to black and white, and increase the "black" levels and contrast.

I thought this triptych was a unique idea that I came up with. Down in the industrial area of Portland, I took multiple pictures of the same telephone pole, all at different angles with different subjects of interest. Then in Lightroom I edited them to look warmer and increased the blacks to give it more definition. I stacked them in a random order, keeping the flower in the middle since it draws in the most attention.

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