Thursday, September 29, 2011

Other Photographers' Work I Enjoy

Simple picture? Yes. Interesting picture? Yes. Outstanding picture? Yes. I really like this picture taken by Corey Arnold for some reason. The first reason would probably be that I have always enjoyed snow and looking at snow. It gives a unique sense of isolation and happiness at the same time. The road is also in a way a leading line and somewhat of a diagonal. Again, the contrast between the dark road and the "snow" white (haha) is magnificent in my opinion.

This interesting photo was captured by Claire Martin in Vancouver's Downtown East Side, a place notorious for drug addiction, AIDs, poverty, and prostitution. I think this picture captures the essence of this poverty stricken suburb. The black and white aspect adds a cold, depressing feeling on the people and place. You can see graffiti and metal grates covering all the doors and windows. For a place like Vancouver that's been rated as "most livable city in the world," this would say otherwise.

This black and white landscape picture was taken by Tom Millea in the National Forest of Yosemite. I think it's a great contrast of the simple black and white shades. The foreground trees are black and the mountains and clouds in the background are primarily white and light grey. It's not exactly a landscape-format picture, but it definitely gives you a sense of size and majesty.

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